E-lancer or Translation Bureau?

At any choice in our life, it’s better to choose means according to the goal. May be sounds in exploitative manner, but in this case means will be translators: e-lancer and the expert of translation bureau.
We can divide
goals into two types according to the types of customers:
private individual and corporate client.
So, for what purposes does the private individual need the translation?
For example, you decided to write a letter to your relatives in Bavaria, but the trouble is that you don’t know German language, and they don’t know Russian.
The requirements to such translation can be the following:
Not expensive
Qualitatively (without misrepresentation)
Emotion transfer, cuz you write to relatives, not to business partners.
So, what‘s about the demands of corporate client:
Most likely such client needs the translation of commercial papers both written translation or interpretation.
Let’s imagine the demands of such client:
- Qualitatively and legibly not diverging from business style and the exact meaning of original in the exact timeframes, because not ready translation can crumb the deal.
- The text may include a lot of technicalisms(juridical, medical, technical), and in this case such text must be translated by translator with high experience.
- Confidentiality of commercial transactions.
- Demand for translation in several languages.
As we see, translation for corporate client has more requisitions.
So, now let’s analyze pluses and minuses of e-lancer and translator of translation bureau. That can help us to know what is better in each case.
+ reasonable price
- can delay the timeframes or get lost at all
- doesn’t guarantee confidentiality
Translation Bureau
+ services agreement
+ ability of translation in several languages
+ translation services of specific texts(juridical, medical, technical)
- relative high price
So, it’s obvious that, private individual may be satisfied by the level of rendering services, but it is better for corporate client to cooperate with translation bureau.