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The Coronavirus Crisis and Its Impact On The Translation And Interpretation Industry

There is no denying that the COVID-19 crisis – also known as the coronavirus crisis – has had a significant impact on many industries. The language industry, like so many others, has not been left unscathed.
How a Translation Agency Works

How a Translation Agency Works
Translation, Localization and Transcreation Process Step by Step
Oral consecutive interpretation

Oral consecutive interpretation is required for many public events: exhibitions, seminars, business meetings, scientific congresses and conferences.
Peculiarities of translation of legal documentation

Translation of legal documentation helps people living in different countries and speaking different languages to exchange legal information.
9 of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn

For English speakers, it is especially difficult to learn languages like Japanese, Arabic, and Hungarian.
Bilingual parenting: a lifelong gift

Intercultural marriages and the relocation of whole families are typical scenarios that require bilingual parenting.
A new world beyond translation: Transcreation

Transcreationis a very unique feature of translation services that has its own framework of rules and challenges and requires some special skills and attitudes. In this blog entry, we will look at the secret ingredients that we need for this special formula(tion) of translation & copywriting.
Why learn a second language?

Want a new job? Wish you had better health? Want a more fulfilling personal life? Learn a second language!
Business etiquette in Germany

It’s a well-known fact that Germany is a country with high standard of living. If you’re in touch with a partner from this country, requirements to the meeting are equally high.
National and cultural features of business communication

Why should translators and interpreters know almost everything (we say "almost" only because it is impossible to know absolutely everything)? The answer is simple: too many factors affect the quality of the translation and the correctness of its perception. Cultural differences of non-verbal communication refer to those factors. When conducting negotiations with foreign partners, their psychology, habits, national characteristics, and customs should be taken into account. Such knowledge will help you to find a common language with your interlocutors and also to not offend them.
Parallel corpus
Modern linguistics is constantly developing. New means and methods of learning languages and improving already existing skills appear. One of that means is parallel corpus ( pl. corpora).
Professional translation

There are some disturbing trends in the sphere of professional translation that is the growing willingness of translation service providers, business and private clients to hire non-native speakers to produce “professional” translations from/into their second non-native language.

Apostille is certificate which verifies and confirms the seal and signature of person who authenticated the document . Some people call this 'superlegalisation'.
Translation vocabulary

The fact that there are 300 000 words in the language has only theoretical interest for a beginner. The main principle of the lessons especially in the beginning is economy of words. You should remember fewer words, but do it better.
Field terminology in translation
A lot of people think that a good translator can transform any text into another language with no preparation. This works only with general communication. I usually tell the customers: Can you please open a book of nuclear physics or molecular biology...
Ethic Issues of Translation

Like any other job translation has its own professional ethics, which includes the elements of business and common ethics, adopted by any civilized society. However, translation activity has its specific rules, which any respecting oneself professional must follow. Translator’s activity is based on interpersonal communication between a translator and a customer, translator and colleagues. That is why it is so important to fulfill all ethic standards existing in this sphere.
“Advice to Beginning Interpreter” or “How not to Fail”

The highest achievement for a translator showing his professional skills is simultaneous interpretation. The following advice is useful for those, who do such job. They were used in work more than once and it is reasonable to use them.
Peculiarities of artistic literature translating

The main way of communication is considered to be verbal or oral speech, to put it simply. The communication usually goes on a certain language, and it’s great, when it’s understood by all the participants of the participants of the communication act. But what if the situation is opposite? In this case a professional translation bureau can save the situation.
About incompetence of machine translation

Nowadays there are a lot of different programs for mechanical translation of texts. Nobody is surprised that many people use such programs. However, such translation is too far from ideal.
Idea of mechanical translation appeared with the beginning of development of programming.
American intelligence intercepted a lot of documents from USSR and there was need to translate them fast, because these documents had weight in the course of Cold war. Then engineers began to invent translation machine which in a flash could translate big volume of texts.
How to be competent working with translation bureau?

When we come to organization to get some services we wait that it will answer our hopes. But never forget that contract is a mutual thing, and both parties are interested in its successful execution. Let’s think how we can realize that.
Terms of successful translation bureau

Modern business dictates tendency of development of international cooperation. Thus the demand of services of professional translations for all organizations working in the international market is accordingly increasing.
Specificsof technical translation

Each country uses products of foreign manufacture. All products have the same feature. This is the presence of technical documentation from producer or instructions for use.
Products must be arranged for exportation, including such documentation as technical passport. Translation of such documents is classified as technical translation.
How to choose translation bureau

Nowadays practically in any sphere of business there are a lot of rivals. Every company tries to develop and cooperate with foreign companies. Partnership with foreign companies is dictated by temps of industrial and informational development. Signing of treaties with foreign partners demands qualified translation. Because of this the market of translations is so crowded.
In what cases is simultaneous interpretation necessary?

Simultaneous interpretation is the most complex and expensive. International Round of talks like sessions of UN committee with representatives from different countries.
Scientific conferences with the participation of foreign scientists where qualitative simultaneous interpretation plays the pivotal role.
Reports and interviews on TV and radio.
Simultaneous interpretation is the most complex and expensive
E-lancer or Translation Bureau?

At any choice in our life, it’s better to choose means according to the goal. May be sounds in exploitative manner, but in this case means will be translators: e-lancer and the expert of translation bureau.
Why do businesses need a foreign language?

Considering the conditions of modern economy, the enterprise never becomes big and succeeding if it can not come into new markets and enter into cooperation. Within the constraints of Globalization the enterprise must come not only into home markets but also into foreign markets too. For sure this is not possible without knowledge of language of country —partner or English language at least.
Theory of the origin of language

Since advent of human life, the question of origin of language remains operative. There is no one answer on this question but there are a lot of theories. Let’s have a look on some theories.